• Texas Medical Center, 6560 Fannin St. #1680, Houston, TX 77030
  • Heights Office, 427 W 20th St Houston, TX 77008
  • Texas Medical Center, 6560 Fannin St. #1680, Houston, TX 77030
  • Heights Office, 427 W 20th St Houston, TX 77008


apple watch Apple Watch ECG Consultation: Expert Guidance at Your Fingertips

Are you using consumer home ECG devices like Apple Watch, Kardia, or Samsung for monitoring your heart health? Here's how we can help:

1. What is the importance of monitoring heart health with consumer ECG devices?
Consumer ECG devices provide a convenient way to monitor your heart health, detect arrhythmias like AF, and improve overall well-being.

2. How can false readings from consumer ECG devices increase anxiety?
Inaccurate readings can lead to unnecessary anxiety. It's crucial to have expert verification.

3. What's the benefit of getting an expert opinion on ECG results quickly?
Timely expert opinions can provide peace of mind and guide necessary interventions promptly.

4. Why is it essential to confirm AF and assess the need for blood thinners promptly?
AF can increase the risk of stroke, so confirming the diagnosis and discussing treatment options promptly is crucial.

5. What does our solution offer for ECG results and recommendations?
We provide expert ECG readings and consultations to review your results and offer recommendations.

6. How can I schedule a virtual or in-person consultation with our experts?
You can easily schedule a consultation to further assess findings and create a personalized treatment plan.

7. How can expert guidance improve your heart health?
Our expert consultations ensure you receive the right guidance and care plan for your specific needs, promoting better heart health.

AFIB Risk Calculator

Take a Survey and Assess Your Risk of Having AFIB

AFIB Consultation

Risk Assessment, Screening, Second Opinion, Personalized Treatment Plan