• Texas Medical Center, 6560 Fannin St. #1680, Houston, TX 77030
  • Heights Office, 427 W 20th St Houston, TX 77008
  • Texas Medical Center, 6560 Fannin St. #1680, Houston, TX 77030
  • Heights Office, 427 W 20th St Houston, TX 77008

What Is Syncope?

What Is Syncope?

In the most simple terms, syncope is the medical term for passing out, fainting, or fainting spells, these typically all fall into the same category. What causes you to faint is a temporary drop in the flow of blood to your brain, and this in turn can be caused by a number of possible health issues, and can be a symptom of a serious health condition. You can learn more about what a syncope is by reaching out to your local Houston, TX, heart specialist Dr. Alireza Nazeri of the Mobitz Heart and Rhythm Center.

Signs and Symptoms

Syncope is a fairly common condition that affects both men and women and becomes more likely to happen as you get older. It can be caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure, changes in how much blood there is in certain areas of your body at the time, and also your heart rate. Most people who experience one of these fainting spells may feel confused after it happens but are usually awake and alert very quickly after.

Many people are able to feel one of these episodes coming, you may feel your heart beating faster like it's fluttering, may feel nauseous or lightheaded, or both. If you have experienced an episode before and suspect you are feeling one coming, many experts recommend lying down or sitting down and putting your legs up, you may sometimes be able to prevent it from happening.

Syncope in Houston, TX

Because a syncope can be a sign of a more serious condition it's important to seek a diagnosis to prevent these episodes and treat the underlying problem. There are different tests that your doctor can run to pin down these conditions and treat them early.

If you are concerned about syncope you can schedule a consultation in Houston, TX, with Dr. Nazeri of the Mobitz Heart and Rhythm Center by dialing (713) 909-3166.

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